I believe we are all artists.
My name is David Catrow and I am primarily a writer and illustrator of books for children; having over 70 published works in print. My scholastic book series MAX SPANIEL to name one example, has sold over a million copies and I have several NYT best sellers and two NYT Best Illustrated Books. I continue to develop projects with Simon and Schuster, Penguin Putnam, Harcourt/Houghton Mifflin, Harper-Collins, and the list goes on.
In addition to my publishing work I have worked extensively in film/TV, spending over a year creating the visual development for films such as HORTON HEARS A WHO, DESPICABLE ME, and others. In addition I have done development work adapting the animated Stuart Little for television and extensive development work on the animated television series PLANTZILLA, which was based on the popular children’s books written by Jerdine Nolen.
My syndicated editorial cartoons have run in over 1000 newspapers across Canada and the US.
“A great children’s book can bring people together in unexpected ways.”
David Catrow
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